The Friday Feast ~ the 17th of February
In this episode of Friday Feast: Rockstar Directory, 1500 Days, Money Mow, Six Figures Under, The Tireless Worker, Cait Flanders, Penny and Rich...

The personal finance community is filled with so many talented writers and inspiring families in search of something better out of life than the traditional society-approved plan of buying lots of stuff and retiring in your 60s if you're lucky.
Here is a look at the best of this week's personal finance blogs.
In this episode of Friday Feast: Rockstar Directory, 1500 Days, Money Mow, Six Figures Under, The Tireless Worker, Cait Flanders, Penny and Rich, Anti-Groundhog Day, The Money Speakeasy, Northern Expenditure.

Welcome to the end of another week. The Friday Feast is my opportunity to highlight some of the best personal finance content that I read during the week. Both old and new articles get mentioned here because I enjoy going through people's posting archives.
Now, on to the personal finance blogosphere!
First, I am very excited about the new Rockstar Directory that I helped build from the ground up. It is your one-stop shop to find and filter through all kinds of personal finance blogs from the community.
Oh, and Mr. 1500 Days achieved that wonderful mark this month. A journey to massive wealth and, more importantly, massive happiness. Congrats, my friend!
My favorite post of the week
My favorite post this week comes from Money Mow who wrote yesterday about the virtue of owning less - but still, some things that are worth having.
"Things are expensive and most of them you do not need. Period. Things take up a lot of space. Also, things break. " And it sucks hardcore when your precious stuff gets stolen, doesn't it? What's the solution?
"You need to start making your values and beliefs define you as a person rather than things."
More from the personal finance community
Six Figures Under asks an important question: Are you giving your kids too many gifts?
And did you know that The Tireless Worker is happiest when going to bed tired?
Also, Cait Flanders writes about enjoying the journey and accomplishing goals in a dynamic environment.
Lastly, Penny and Rich discuss whether or not rich people are selfish materialistic hedonists. Phew!
Honorable mentions: Anti-Groundhog Day talks about the cost of rushing, The Money Speakeasy chats about increasing compensation without your boss, lastly, Northern Expenditure talks patience!
Video of the week
We are completely gutting the floors in our Airstream and putting in vinyl that looks like hardwood. Here's a look at the mess that ensued getting everything ready!
Coming up in the week ahead on ThinkSaveRetire: On Monday I am asking a question: What if we gave everyone in the country a "basic income"? What would that do to retirement? And on Wednesday, I am talking about the virtues of success, and why it might be as simple as just asking for it.
Thanks for reading, and cheers to another financially productive week ahead!