Protect and restore your credit with Lexington Law

Protect and restore your credit with Lexington Law

Protect and restore your credit with Lexington Law

A poor credit score can substantially impact your financial future. Find out how Lexington Law can help.

Protect and restore your credit with Lexington Law

    This post is brought to you by Lexington Law. While this is a sponsored post, all content and opinions expressed here are my own.

    A good credit score is truly priceless. From buying cars or securing a mortgage, credit scoring controls our society. Although we may not agree with how much of our lives are impacted by our Fico score, it’s an unfortunate truth that poor credit can have a very negative impact on your financial goals. The reality of the circumstances is that the better your credit situation is– the easier it will be to meet your financial goals.

    Unfortunately, a bad credit rating isn’t always even your fault. Credit errors happen all the time, and bad credit can have potentially catastrophic consequences, to include being denied for a home mortgage or even not getting offered a job that you’re otherwise qualified for (CNN wrote in 2013 that one in 10 unemployed workers have been denied a job due to a poor credit report).

    According to a Federal Trade Commission study published in 2013, over 40 million people have incorrect information on their credit report.

    That means that you could be doing everything by the book– and still have your credit score be penalized. Even if you’ve never defaulted on a loan and you’re totally up to date on your credit card payments, you have to be diligent about monitoring your credit report to ensure that the information is correct and that there won't be any nasty surprises waiting for you.

    Just like early retirement, improving one’s credit score may take time, but it can be done. Bad credit is not irrevocable. Every consumer has the right to an accurate credit report and, believe it or not, the law is on their side to help them fix mistakes. The downside, however, is that fixing errors on your credit cards isn’t always easy. Mistakes can take months to correct. Unfortunately, this often means people put goals, like buying a home or taking out a loan, on hold until their credit is better.

    Lexington Law is a credit repair service that helps folks recover from false information on their credit reports. Or, rebuild their lives after their credit got a little out of control.

    Lexington Law was designed specifically for people who:

    • Are looking to secure a home mortgage
    • Are in need of a newer car
    • Are expanding their family and need assurance that their financial lives are secure
    • Do not currently have credit and need to kick-start a positive credit history
    • Discovered an error or omission on their credit report
    • Are dealing with catastrophic life events, like medical emergencies

    Lexington Law is one of the oldest and most established names in the credit repair business. They aren’t just accountants or number crunchers, either. These folks are lawyers skilled in the laws of credit and work every day to help their customers recover from credit blunders. And, let’s face it: those blunders could happen to any of us. At its core, they are a law firm.

    But in this case, customers aren’t forced to pay the prices demanded by traditional law firms.

    Their job is to help customers understand their rights under the Fair Credit Reporting Act and to work within the law to ensure their financial history is secure, strong and, perhaps most importantly, accurate.

    After all, they too are consumers. And, they are consumer advocates who fight to make sure your credit history is fair and complete.

    How it works

    Three levels of credit repair services are available that cover a wide variety of customer needs and credit goals:

    Premier Plus Plan ($129.95/monthly): Lexington Law’s most aggressive, comprehensive support option, this package complements essential credit repair services with FICO® Score tracking and credit score analysis, identity protection and insurance, personal finance tools, and consumer protection from start to finish, including regular updates and alerts.

    Concord Premier Plan ($109.95/monthly): The most popular of Lexington Law’s service levels, Concord premier includes credit monitoring, alerts when credit reports are updated, a monthly credit score improvement analysis, and access to Inquiry Assist, which gives clients the resources to address score-damaging credit report inquiries.

    Concord Standard Plan ($89.95/monthly): Covering the essentials of credit report repair, Lexington Law will communicate with both creditors and the credit bureaus on a person’s behalf to ensure fair, accurate, and substantiated credit reports. The Concord Standard plan does not include the same personal finance tools as the Premier plan, but is still a great option for consumer protection.

    They also offer Lex OnTrack Identity Theft Protection Tool ($24.95/monthly): With upgraded features launched just last year, this service offers a competitive identity protection tool.

    While identity theft should not have an impact on one’s credit reports long-term, it is possible for it to take time, sometimes months, to clear up the damage. When identity theft occurs, existing credit lines could be run up to, or over, their limits, new accounts opened with possible late payments made on these accounts, and hard inquiries from those trying to open credit lines in your name. Lex OnTrack is geared towards consumer protection for those with high credit scores, to give them peace of mind their credit is safe through active identity theft monitoring and swift action should identity theft occur. Unlike its competitor LifeLock (current leaders in IP space at $29.99) which only offers identity protection, Lex OnTrack is the only product on the market that combines both identity protection and credit repair.

    Benefits of using Lexington Law

    One of the nicest benefits of Lexington Law is their service packages that are designed for a variety of customer needs. They don’t box you in (and force you to pay) for services that you don’t need. From just $89.95 a month for the standard plan, customers get continued credit repair services with the option to included other added features and services as needed.

    Also, download and install their mobile application to quickly and easily adjust service preferences, including preferred alert frequency and desired alert format (email, text message, etc). You’ll also get a dashboard that puts all of your information into a single consolidated space that’s easy to see and monitor.

    Lexington Law maintains a long-standing relationship with the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, Experian and TransUnion) and use that relationship to find, fix and prevent errors reported through these agencies quickly and efficiently.

    Remember that Lexington Law is a law firm, and they have a team of skilled lawyers who know credit law better than almost anyone. As a legal service, the firm exhausts every opportunity for consumers who need errors removed or omissions fixed from their credit report summary. There is no need to hire additional lawyers to get your credit fixed. These folks are lawyers.

    Every last consumer has the right to a credit report that is free from errors. Lexington Law’s mission is to find and fix credit problems so customers can feel much more secure in their financial future, build families, secure home mortgages and lead a more stress-free life.

    Lexington Law is a CROA compliant organization. This means it is regulated extensively with auditors and regulators. Just as one would hire a CPA or MD to manage their taxes or health, consumers should demand nothing less from their credit repair partner.

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    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.