Would you like some sound with that text?

Would you like some sound with that text?

Would you like some sound with that text?

Maybe if you're just tired of reading text, play the audio intro and you'll be good to go.

Would you like some sound with that text?

    Most of you will notice a new feature that has been added to my newer blog posts, and even some that have already been published - and that's an audio introduction.  I have decided to add in an audio tidbit...well, just because.  Maybe if you're just tired of reading text, play the audio intro and you'll be good to go.

    Oh wait - no, nevermind.  Read the whole damn article.  That's what I'm supposed to say, right?

    The intros are short - usually between 40 seconds and 1.5 minutes.  They are good for just a summary of the article that you're about to read and hits at some of the motivations behind the writing.  They are meant to be short and to the point, not a reading of the whole damn post.

    Truth be told, I've always been a bit of a radio fanatic.  I've listed to talk radio as long as I can remember, from politics to sports, finances to car repair.  Radio is where my true multimedia passions lie, so why not add a little bit of that passion to the blog that I run?

    In the end, this blog...and really, life in general, is about having some fun and trying new things.  If you can't have fun with these things, life becomes that much more frustrating to get through.  For me, this is all in good fun.  If it works, great.  If it doesn't for whatever reason, that's cool too - at least I tried.

    Thanks - and enjoy the audio!

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    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.