I Am Completely Debt. This is how you can get out of debt!
I hate owing anything to anyone. I’ve spent most of my life trying to make sure that I don’t have any red in my ledger, so to speak. I don’t want to owe you a couple of bucks, a phone call, or a stick of gum for that matter. I for damn sure don’t want to owe a bank a single dime.

As it stands today, I am completely 100% debt free by design. In my 36 years on earth, I have dodged debt like Keanu Reeves dodges bullets. That path hasn’t always been an easy one to follow. It’s required planning, discipline, stress, and more discipline.
I’m assuming if you’re here, that you want to know how I did it, and I’m happy to fill you in. However, if you’re looking for a shortcut, hack, or cheat code—sorry, you won’t find it here. But if you’re looking for my story about common sense personal finance, keep reading.
I didn’t take out student loans
Getting through college took me a long, long time because I chose to take the scenic route in order to avoid debt. When I say that I went “the scenic route”, I mean that I started out at a community college while working a full time job. Since most of my classes were at night, the availability and selection wasn’t as open as it was for the students who could attend during the day.
It took me several years before I could transfer to a state university and by that time I was over 25 years old and I had some solid options in the way of financial aid and scholarships since my income was so low. Between my job and the financial aid, I was able to graduate with a Bachelors degree without having to borrow a dime.
I try not to live with any regrets, but I would probably do this differently if I had a chance to do it over again. I was living really lean for a long time. I had to have multiple roommates, I definitely missed a few meals, I had to forego medical care, and between the working and the studying, my social life suffered considerably.
In retrospect, I may have been better served to quit my job, or at least scale my hours back, and take out the loans so that I could decrease the amount of time that it took to graduate. That may have increased my earning potential since I would have been entering a more lucrative career at a younger age. But I also think that the real world experience I accrued while working through school was a major asset for me when I finally did graduate. In any event, I am happy with where I ended up, and although I took a different path than most people, I feel like I’m in a respectable position career wise.
I bought a used car with cash
At this point I’m sure that you’re aware that cars depreciate rapidly the moment that they are driven off the lot, and they continue to depreciate every year and every mile after that. So with that in mind, I don’t think I’ll ever purchase a “new” car again.
The car I did buy most recently was used, but it’s new to me! Not having a car payment allows me to put extra money away each month into my investments, emergency fund, vacation budget, etc.
The way I look at it, the average car payment is in the ballpark of $400, right? That’s $4,800 a year. If you purchase a sturdy used car with relatively low miles, it’s not very likely that it’s going to cost you $4,800 a year in maintenance.
It may even shock you to know that the car I bought is a luxury car. I am not an advocate for a joyless life of penny pinching. But I am an advocate for being strategic with every dollar I spend.
5 Effortless Methods to Boost Your Income This Week
If you need extra money, you’ve come to the right spot.
Our team has compiled a list of creative ways you can fatten your bank account this week. Certainly, there’s something here that fits your needs.
This is not a long list, so go ahead and start now, but be sure to bookmark this post so you can easily return later. We’ll keep it updated as offers change or expire.
I budget religiously
Every dollar I make, and every dollar I spend is accounted for. As I get paid, I channel my funds to different accounts or “buckets” as I refer to them. One bucket is for recurrent monthly expenses like rent, insurance, cell phone, groceries, etc. The next bucket is for savings and investments. And the final bucket is for fun, leisure, vacations, etc.
This tip might sound a little too simple, but you would be surprised at how many people I talk to that are having money troubles and have no clue what their monthly burn looks like. If you need some help getting a budget together, tools like You Need a Budget are a great place to start.
I’m a renter
“Aw what? This guy is telling us about being debt free and he doesn’t even own a house?!”
I don’t own a house—but hear me out. I’m a single guy and my rent right now is about $1k per month. The money I’m saving on a mortgage and maintenance/repairs on a home are all getting put directly into index funds that historically have returns of about 8%-10%. So I am putting that money to work, and the hope is that at some point in the near future, I’ll either be able to buy a house with cash, or I’ll at least be able to put down a big enough chunk for a down payment that I can pay off the balance fairly quickly.
The real estate market continues to be white hot in spite of rising interest rates, inflation, and a looming recession, but by continuing to accrue capital, I will be in a good position to strike when the dip in the real estate market ultimately hits.
I’m a side hustler
In addition to my 9-5, I make a concerted effort to find side hustle gigs that revolve around my interests. For instance, you may have noticed by now that I’m a writer! I enjoy writing, and there are a number of ways to make a few extra bucks freelancing.
I’m also skilled at digital marketing, and there are opportunities for consulting and contract roles all across LinkedIn. Whenever this topic comes up, people are usually shocked that I have found income streams outside of my fulltime job, but it’s really not as difficult as you might think.
If you need some help with ideas, check out our guide to the best side hustle apps.
I mentioned earlier that I budget for leisure, vacations, and luxury items. The majority of that account is funded directly from my side hustles. I actively enjoy the writing and consulting I do, and it means that I can enjoy a few luxuries.
Not every job in the gig economy is equal. Here are the best side hustles to consider during your layoff to make the most cash.
A final word on being debt free
I fully understand that I took a unique path that isn’t right for everyone. I don’t hold any judgment for those of you who are struggling with debt or are bogged down by a mortgage.
If you’re looking for resources to get out of debt, our friends over at Zero Debt put together an intensive guide for getting out of debt on low income.
The opinions expressed in this article are for general information purposes only and are not intended to provide specific advice or recommendations about any investment product or security. This information is provided strictly as a means of education regarding the financial industry.
Frequently Asked Questions:
How did you manage to graduate college without taking out student loans?
I started my higher education journey at a community college while working a full-time job, which allowed me to pay for my education without borrowing money. This approach took longer, and I had to balance work with night classes, but it enabled me to graduate debt-free.
Why do you prefer buying used cars with cash instead of new ones with financing?
Buying a used car with cash avoids the depreciation hit that new cars experience as soon as they're driven off the lot. This strategy not only saves on the cost of the vehicle but also eliminates monthly car payments, freeing up more money for investments and savings.
Can you explain your budgeting strategy and how it helps you remain debt-free?
I practice strict budgeting by accounting for every dollar I earn and spend, dividing my income into "buckets" for essential expenses, savings, investments, and discretionary spending. This disciplined approach ensures I live within my means and prioritize financial security.
As a renter, how do you justify renting over buying a house in terms of financial planning?
Renting at a lower cost allows me to allocate more money towards investments with historically higher returns, like index funds. This strategy is part of a long-term plan to accumulate enough capital to potentially buy a house outright or make a significant down payment in the future.
How do your side hustles contribute to your financial stability and debt-free lifestyle?
My side hustles provide additional income streams that support my savings goals, investment plans, and allow for some luxuries without going into debt. Engaging in activities I enjoy, like writing and digital marketing, also makes these endeavors both profitable and fulfilling.