The Friday Feast ~ the 16th of September

The personal finance community is filled with so many talented writers and inspiring families in search of something better out of life than the traditional society-approved plan of buying lots of stuff and retiring in your 60s if you're lucky.
Here is a look at the best of this week's personal finance blogs.
In this episode of Friday Feast: My Money Design, Ninja Piggy, InvestmentZen, Coach Carson, Freedom From Money, Mixed Up Money, Jason Fieber, Montana Money Adventures, Matt Spiller and Our Next Life.

Welcome to another Friday, and congrats for making it here. In the past, I've always tried to keep the blog posts that I link to fairly current (though exceptions certainly did slip in). But from now on, I'm lifting that restriction. Anything goes, even if the post was written several years ago. Hey, good content is good content!
Now, onto the personal finance gems!
First, My Money Design wrote about buying passive income, and the impact a saved dollar today has over our futures.
Next, how many saw Ninja Piggy's nice infographic that depicts 5 steps to an emergency fund?
My favorite post of the week
My favorite post this week comes from Physician on Fire (via InvestmentZen) who explains how his net worth actually exceeds his 10-year earnings.
"How do you end up more than 100% of your take-home pay after a 10-year career?" Through the power of aggressive savings, that's how. Living frugally, investing with low fees and a little patience is all you need.
"Mindful spending and relative frugality over these ten years have been crucial. If we were spending even half of our take-home pay, we would definitely not have it all at this point."
He's a doctor with a big salary and respectable net worth. Though his sheer numbers might be larger than yours (and mine), money builds the same way for all of us. Proportionally to our income, the physician's situation can be a carbon copy to that of our own.
More from the personal finance community
Coach Carson talks about how frugality bought his freedom.
Freedom From Money talks about the devastating effect of fear-based finances.
Also, Mixed Up Money says that our laziness is costing us money.
Lastly, congratulations to Jason Fieber (founder of Dividend Mantra) who launched his new blog last Sunday, Mr. Free At 33.
Honorable mentions: Montana Money Adventures talks about sitting naked with strangers, Matt Spiller reminds us to challenge everything, and lastly, Our Next Life tackles the question of whether or not fewer deadlines lead to an increase in happiness.
Video of the week
Instead of a photograph, check out the video that we put together of our trip to Colorado last week!
Coming up in the week ahead on ThinkSaveRetire: On Monday, I am going to talk about how important mobile living is to our future plans of early retirement, and on Wednesday, I'm answering a question from a reader about what I would tell my 23-year old self. Hint: It's not to save!
Thanks for reading, and cheers to another financially productive week ahead!