The Friday Feast ~ the 8th of December

The Friday Feast is my attempt at picking out a few things from the personal finance community that I found interesting this week. It's also a chance for me to keep you fine readers updated on where we are in the U.S.
Here's what's up in the personal finance community
Well, here we are in early December. The weather has finally cooled off in southern Arizona (highs now are in the lower 70s), and people are once again wearing jeans and sweaters. That's right, we are complete wimps when it comes to the cold. That's why we live in Arizona.
But, I wouldn't have it any other way. And, the campground that we're staying in through March of 2018 is definitely beginning to fill up. We have people on both sides of us now. Everything from huge $1m motorhomes to $1,500 travel trailers are here at the moment. Talk about variety!
Okay, enough with the chatter. On to the blogs!
First, here's a super awesome visual look from Wait But Why at setting priorities and what you're actually giving a shit about as you go through life.

Financially Mint minted (see what I did there?) a post about studying what you love in college. It's different than my take, but still a good read.
How about that stock market holiday party, eh? Mr. Tako Escapes laid down some wisdom for us. "But what exactly is moving this crazy market? Is it tax changes? Is it politics? Should we even care?"
In the middle of September, Karen Booth vowed to write every single day for 100 days, articles of at least 200 words. It wasn't easy, but here is what she learned from the experience.
Do you remember the last time that you were truly happy? If not (or even if you do), here's how to get your happy back from The Classy Simple Life.
And speaking of happy, try out this epic post from Life Zemplified about the 3,677 things that you must do to be happy!
Also, Tawcan has been crushing it lately with top-notch content. One of my favorites came back in November when he recounted his horrifying first day at school in a country he didn't know and a language that was foreign.
Lastly, minimalism. Is it a fad or an actual lifestyle choice? Dan Erickson from Hip Diggs has you covered. "If you get rid of all your stuff in a short period of time, chances are you’ve just fallen for a fad. But if you’ve made a point to live simply for years, you’ve developed a lifestyle."
P.S.: You all probably know by now I hate the term minimalism.