Jeremy Schneider Said: This Is The Only Wealth Building Course You'll Ever Need
Learning how to build wealth doesn't take as much time or money as you think.

By the time in my life that I had enough money to invest, I was already in my late 20’s, and I was feeling very behind.
My employer didn’t offer a 401K, so I did my best to research the different types of retirement accounts and investment opportunities that were available to me. Even though I bought books, read countless articles, and asked a series of dumb questions on Reddit, I felt lost.
With so many different terms and abstract concepts, it was tough to wrap my head around how it all came together, and I certainly wasn’t confident enough to start dumping money into a system that I didn’t fully understand.
I didn’t have enough money to hire an investment advisor, and even if I did, I’m not sure that I would’ve trusted one anyway.
What I really wished for during that time was someone laid back who could just show me the ropes and explain everything in plain English.
*Personal Finance Club Has Entered The Chat*
What is Personal Finance Club?

Personal Finance Club is a platform that helps to educate individual investors.
Multi-millionaire and investment expert, Jeremy Schneider founded the site as a way to share his knowledge of personal finance with average Joes—without any ulterior motives.
Jeremy is not an investment advisor and he’s not trying to push any specific stocks or securities. As far as I can tell his main goal is to make the art of building wealth available to anyone who wants it.
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The course covers topics like:
- How stocks, bonds, and compound growth works
- Mutual funds, ETFs and index funds
- Retirement accounts
- Reducing tax liability
- How to calculate your financial independence number
- The truth behind “timing the market”
- The checklist for building wealth
Who is Jeremy Schneider?
Jeremy Schneider is a self-made millionaire and investment expert that was able to retire at just 36 years old.
Following the sale of a company he founded, Jeremy grew his net worth by investing in the stock market and has been able to have continued success with this simple philosophy:
- Live below your means
- Invest early and often
To learn more about Jeremy's story and experience, check out his episode on the TSR podcast!
My Honest Review
As I mentioned above, by the time I took this course I had already invested dozens of hours in reading books, articles, and asking questions in forums. I had a working knowledge of the stock market and I had a firm grasp of what I considered to be best practices.
Personal Finance Club helped me to fill in some major holes in my game as it relates to investment categories, and what I should be assessing before investing.
Furthermore, the course really impacted my investing strategy and changed my risk tolerance as I got a better understanding of how the market has historically performed. I used to be too afraid to invest a meaningful amount of money, but now I have the confidence to invest much larger sums and reap the rewards that I previously thought were reserved for the ultra-wealthy. Jeremy does a great job of supporting his theories and assertions with hard data so that you don't have to take him strictly on his word.
I am not exaggerating when I say that I firmly believe I will become a millionaire based on the information that I learned in this course.
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That being said, you should be prepared for a marathon, not a sprint. If you’re looking to get rich overnight, this is not the course for you. But if you’re looking to steadily build wealth over several years, I highly recommend this course.
Personal Finance Club provides a clear blueprint to becoming a millionaire and while it may take some time to come to fruition, it’s still well worth the $79 you’ll invest in the course.
Who is the course right for?
Unless you already consider yourself to be at an expert level with investing, I would say that it’s likely you will learn and benefit from this course.
If you are a true beginner, Personal Finance Club starts at square one and will even show you how to physically buy a stock. You’ll learn how the market works, and the terminology and concepts needed to get started.
However, if you’re like me and you’ve already been investing for a while and are looking to improve upon your strategy—this course provides tremendous help.
How long is the course?

There’s 7 different modules within the course, and each module contains about an hour of videos, along with some quizzes to make sure you’re grasping the material.
The videos have been pre-recorded, so you’re free to go at your own pace. Instead of overloading myself by rushing through all the videos, I completed one module at a time so I could really soak in the information and understand the concepts.
There were definitely some videos I needed to rewind or watch more than once just to make sure I understood what was happening, but all said and done, I probably spent 10 total hours interacting with the course.
Usually I have trouble focusing. I’m one of those people who can’t watch TV without also surfing the internet on their phone. I usually have at least 12 browser tabs open at any given time, and I have trouble sitting still for more than a few minutes. But between Jeremy’s engaging teaching style, and the fact that this information could literally make me a millionaire, I found myself intently focused.
10 hours might seem daunting at first, but when you think about it—that’s less time than you would spend watching a single season of most streaming shows, and you have the freedom to come and go as you please.
If you find yourself needing a little extra help, PFC offers live "office hours"where you can get questions answered and pick Jeremy's brain about investing.
How much does the course cost?
The course costs $79 and includes lifetime access for any additions or updates.
In fact, since I signed up, an additional 90 minutes of useful FAQ content has been added to the course, free of charge.