Think Save Retire is a hub for sharing a variety of journeys toward financial independence and early retirement. Over the years, our voices have had the distinct honor and privilege to be recognized by national media, which allows them to reach more people and this blog to expand.
Below you’ll find links to many of the media outlets where you can find Think Save Retire in the wild.

All media features and mentions
Business Insider: 5 myths people have about early retirement that aren't true
Business Insider: 5 easy habits of early retirees that anyone can learn
Business Insider: My wife and I retired in our 30s — here's what we spend in a week
Business Insider: I'm 34 and I'm planning to retire next year
CBS MarketWatch: What this early retiree would tell his 23-year-old self about money and life
CBS MarketWatch: 7 lessons I learned working in the corporate world before retiring at age 35
CBS MarketWatch: Here's the secret to success: Lie to yourself
CBS MarketWatch: 13 simple ways to make early retirement easier
CBS MarketWatch: Why some people hate early retirees — and why they’re wrong
CBS MarketWatch: Why early retirement is all it’s cracked up to be
CNBC: This couple retired in their 30s and are now traveling full time in an Airstream
CNBC: 36-year-old retiree: This is the secret to getting rich
CNBC: This couple retired in their 30s - here's exactly what their budget looks like
CNBC: 36-year-old retiree: Saving money doesn't get you rich - here's what does
CNBC: 36-year-old retiree: A big paycheck doesn't lead to early retirement - here's what does
CNBC: 5 early retirees share their No. 1 money-saving tip
CNBC: 35-year-old retiree: 5 simple habits will help you retire early
CNBC: This is the thing that surprised me the most about early retirement
CNBC: 17 stupid simple ways to make early retirement easier
CNBC: The best advice I can give about retiring early
CNBC: Saving money won’t make you rich—here’s what will
CNBC: A 4-step guide to retiring in your 30s - from a guy who did it
Note: CNBC features tend to get syndicated to partner outlets, like Don't Waste Your Money, Yahoo Finance, and MSN.
Forbes: How One Man Curbed His Extreme Spending And Will Retire By 35 To Travel
Rockstar Finance: My Retirement Renaissance
Vice: Meet the Young People Who Are Retiring in Their 30s
Television interviews: The Denver Channel, WPTV, ABC15, WXYZ, ABCActionNews, 10News, TheIndyChannel