Saturday solicitation: What advice do you follow today that you would have ignored?

Saturday solicitation: What advice do you follow today that you would have ignored?

Saturday solicitation: What advice do you follow today that you would have ignored?

Saturday solicitation: What advice do you follow today that you would have ignored?

    Every Saturday, I’m going to post a question to my readers – and you’re free to answer in the comments in any way that you like. These questions are meant to spur discussion and, who knows, I might actually learn something from you fine people along the way.

    Today's question is:

    What piece of financial advice do you follow today that you would have ignored when you were younger?

    Comment below with your answer.

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    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.