The Friday Feast ~ December 21st, 2018

Hey gang! It's Friday, so that means it's time for another Friday Feast.
The Friday Feast is my opportunity to offer up the posts that I enjoyed the most over the week. They don't necessarily need to be posted during the week...I just need to have read them during the week. :)
Here's what's up in the personal finance community
Here we go! A few of my favorites from the personal finance community.
Is financial independence with kids possible by Apathy Ends - "Is Financial Independence possible with kids? I sure as hell hope so! Our family has doubled from 2 to 4 in an 18-month span and we are still deeply committed to achieving Financial Independence."
How I'm prioritizing what to start, stop and continue in retirement by Minafi - "The activity itself is relatively simple. Take a sheet of paper and turn it on its side. Draw 3 headers at the top of the page labeled “Start”, “Stop” and “Continue”, with a divider between them.."
Protect the greatest asset: YOU by Wise Mind Money - "I’ve always been a hard worker, even when I was active in addiction. I’ve never scoffed at work. Obviously, after getting sober, I’ve been learning to work smarter."
It's time to get uncomfortable by Keep Thrifty - "You’d think a year of “not working” would be easy and fun, but personal growth often isn’t. Growth stretches you and makes you uncomfortable, but it’s worth it."
What to do when you are BROKE broke by Women's Money Talk - "BROKE Broke is when you have exactly enough money to cover your bills and basic needs, but absolutely nothing else."
Happy Friday!