The Friday Feast ~ the 3rd of March

The Friday Feast ~ the 3rd of March

The Friday Feast ~ the 3rd of March

In this episode of Friday Feast: Freedom Is Groovy, Reaching Our Balance, Studenomics, She Picks Up Pennies, Four Pillar Freedom, etc

The Friday Feast ~ the 3rd of March
    The personal finance community is filled with so many talented writers and inspiring families in search of something better out of life than the traditional society-approved plan of buying lots of stuff and retiring in your 60s if you're lucky.

    Here is a look at the best of this week's personal finance blogs.

    In this episode of Friday Feast: Freedom Is Groovy, Reaching Our Balance, Studenomics, She Picks Up Pennies, Four Pillar Freedom, Self Employed Movement, The Financial Diet, Wallet Hacks, Darius Foroux and Go Curry Cracker.


    Welcome to the end of another week. The Friday Feast is my opportunity to highlight some of the best personal finance content that I read during the week. Both old and new articles get mentioned here because I enjoy going through people's posting archives.

    Now, on to the personal finance blogosphere!

    First, Freedom Is Groovy talks about the virtues of becoming an "Opportunity Slut", and even highlights a couple of sluts in the post. When you talk of sluts, you have a damn good chance of getting featured here in the Feast!

    And when it comes to dream homes, Retire Before Dad says that this one isn't their dream home any longer!

    My favorite post of the week

    My favorite post this week comes from Studenomics who writes that if you want your bank account to grow, you need to shut up.

    "You’re a broke joke because you’re always talking. You always have something to say."

    We always learn more when we're listening rather than talking. Absorbing information rather than disseminating it. This is the kind of tough-love article that I like to read, because it's written by someone who doesn't care whether they "offend" or not.

    "Do first and then talk about it later when you actually have something to say."

    More from the personal finance community

    She Picks Up Pennies discusses five financial "truths" that she doesn't believe.

    How important is your mindset in achieving Financial Independence? Four Pillar Freedom is on it.

    Also, Self Employed Movement answers the question: What happens when you no longer worry about money.

    Lastly, The Financial Diet did an all-cash, all-walking diet for a week. What do you think she learned?

    Honorable mentions: Wallet Hack's first ever post about his financial map, Darius Foroux laments high expectations, and lastly, Go Curry Cracker wants fewer dividends.

    Photo of the week

    Last weekend, we took a trip out to the Sonoita wine vineyards here in southern Arizona. Beautiful country, and even more beautiful wine!  ;)

    Coming up in the week ahead on ThinkSaveRetire: On Monday I am talking about the devastating affect the credit scores can have, and on Wednesday, I am talking how every company that I've ever worked for has failed the Essentialism test.

    Thanks for reading, and cheers to another financially productive week ahead!

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    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.