15 personal finance tweets of 2019 that are helping me achieve my 2020 financial goals
2019 was a year full of FIRE wins. Nobody knows that more than Think Save Retire followers.

I recently shared my 2020 New Year's resolution to spend at least one full day a month dedicated to learning about personal finance. I have many ideas for how this might pan out, but I also wanted to contrast them with what other real-life results look like.
Thankfully, I know a few (roughly 14,000) people who are killing it financially to draw inspiration from.
We put out a call on Twitter for our followers' biggest FIRE wins of 2019, and we got some amazing responses. Here are some of our favorites:
Waving goodbye to my career because I could
— Stop(ped) Ironing Shirts (@StIroningShirts) December 15, 2019
Dividends and interest now cover living expenses.
— Prof. Rex Jacobsen (@rexjacobsen) December 14, 2019
Realising I could afford to go part-time next year - and organising it. (Only 5 more days as a full-time worker - yippee!)
— Frogdancer Jones (@Frogdancer3) December 15, 2019
Mine was definitely making giant money moves from active high fee mutual funds to a 3 fund portfolio of passive broad-based index funds... And then using a 401K to offset and pay zero taxes on the massive capital gains! #winning
— MagniFIMoney (@magnifimoney) December 19, 2019
Bought our first rental property!
— Toby Piering (@TobyPiering) December 15, 2019
Paid off my student loanz ;)
— wrachelwrites (@wrachelwrites) December 15, 2019
Bought a good house. Maxed the IRA. Started the IRA too. 😂
— Youngbudgeteer (@YoungBudgeteer) December 14, 2019
Didn’t spend too much time on handling our investments
— A Journey to FI (@ajourneytoFI) December 15, 2019
Getting more involved in the #personalfinance community has been a big win for me. Just trying to be open to new perspectives and strategies.
— Re-Finance Your Life (@BeFinanceAware) December 14, 2019
Got the mortgage on a 10 year term. Trying to pay it down aggressively.
— Earn Your Fill (@EarnYourFill) December 17, 2019
Just continuing the FI journey!
— Finzaadi (@Finzaadi1) December 17, 2019
Paid off mortgage in full
— Zazen FI (@zazenfi) December 16, 2019
Moved my $ from Merrill to vanguard. Way less fees.
— Kirstie Miranda (@kirstie_miranda) December 14, 2019
Began focusing more on investing and saving for retirement.
— Money Saved is Money Earned (@moneysavedblog) December 15, 2019
Cut our housing costs in half.
— Educator FI (@EducatorFI) December 15, 2019
We love that we get to go on this journey with all of you, and we can't wait to see what 2020 brings!
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