What is a web application in simple words: types and development algorithms

What is a web application in simple words: types and development algorithms

What is a web application in simple words: types and development algorithms

Just 15–20 years ago, the idea of web applications becoming integral to daily life seemed far-fetched. Today, these online tools optimize business processes, facilitate sales, disseminate information, and enhance communication.

What is a web application in simple words: types and development algorithms

    Just 15–20 years ago, it would have been impossible to imagine that web applications would become an integral part of life. Today, this type of online tool is used for various tasks, including optimizing business processes, selling goods and services, disseminating information, and communicating between users.

    In our article, we tried to tell you in detail about web applications: on what principles these tools work, what types of web applications there are, and how a web application development company develops them in accordance with the modern approach.

    Web application as a business development tool

    Unlike standard applications, we are talking about programs that can work fully even without installation on the device. A smartphone, tablet or computer gets online access to data, and the user does not need to install it into permanent memory - this is the main distinguishing feature of web applications.

    This type of tool should not be confused with websites. Web applications are interactive, users can perform various actions in them: order a product or service, book a ticket, leave a comment or review, edit content, and so on.

    Creating a web application is today definitely one of the most progressive ways to invest time and resources in the development of a company, because its implementation allows you to:

    • automate business processes for both employees and personnel;
    • attract the attention of the target audience and stand out from competitors;
    • make solving popular problems simpler, more reliable and safer.

    How web applications work?

    The functionality of web applications means that they can work with several types of pages, including:

    • statistical - the server part creates a page in response to a request and sends it to the browser regardless of the user’s actions, so that different users will see the same material for the same request;
    • dynamic - the server part generates a page in response to a request, only the material first passes through the application server and is formed depending on what commands were sent.

    Regardless of whether there is a web application for e-commerce, communication, content creation or other purposes, this type of application works on a client-server principle. That is why the structure includes the following components:

    • client part - responsible for actions performed by the user;
    • server part - responsible for the processes occurring on the server;
    • database - a structure for orderly storage of information and access to it.

    Depending on what tasks the web application creators or development company set for themselves, they use certain web application development tools. The main task is to ensure functional interaction between the client and server parts, access to the database, and the correct capabilities for generating and sending ready-made pages in response to a request.

    Based on their goals, developers, like Digiteum, can create a web application that can be accessed from any device, or a demanding development environment that can only be used by devices with a certain level of hardware capabilities. Various methods can be used to develop web applications, including open-access architecture, or with no public access, as with any commercial or news application.

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    Professional web application development

    In the case of each such project, a certain cycle of actions is carried out, in which the following stages can be distinguished:

    • Collection of requirements and development of technical specifications. The customer voices both the main tasks and more global goals, and also supplements this with his own requirements, so that there is an opportunity to familiarize the developers with the task.
    • Prototyping. The contractor creates a prototype of the future project, which reflects future blocks and shows how they will interact in the web environment. It is important to choose a reliable and experienced contractor. Also at this stage, the necessary development technologies are determined.
    • Design creation. Developers create a mock-up of the appearance to coordinate it with the customer, following the functional prototype.
    • Layout and development. Now the team starts creating the pages as they should be. There are two separate processes going on here: from the backend point of view, it is important to coordinate the execution of functions, and from the frontend point of view, it is important to coordinate the reaction of visual elements to user actions.
    • Testing. Testers need to make sure that the web application fully copes with its functions.
    • Documentation. Based on a ready-made project, documentation is created that will be necessary for users in order to master all the functionality of the project as quickly as possible.

    The result directly depends on how professionally the web application creators or development agency approach the implementation of the listed stages of work. It is important to immediately select performers who will perfectly understand their tasks, for example, Digiteum.

    Success in achieving the set goals can be determined depending on how satisfied the customer is and to what extent he will receive the functions that he needed from the project initially. Application development platforms offer completely different opportunities for this - it is important to choose the tools that will help you achieve your intended goal 100%.

    From an e-commerce perspective, web applications have several notable advantages:

    • Safety. Minimal access to server elements and databases. This means that the least you can fear is hacking and other negative consequences.
    • Access from different devices. Modern engines allow you to access a web application in parallel from different platforms, for example, from a computer or laptop on Windows, from mobile devices on Android and Apple.
    • Lack of client software. There is no need to waste extra resources - space and memory - installing client software on the device.
    • Scalability - a web application is able to cope with the required volume of tasks depending on their number.
    • Maintaining a web project is much easier than maintaining a client application. Especially when the assigned tasks are completed and documentation is provided.


    Thus, web applications are a tool with which it is possible to achieve business, information, and social goals with a minimum of effort and cost.

    To develop a web application you will need the help of specialists. Using modern tools, a team of experienced developers can easily cope with a project of any complexity. The customer will be satisfied with the result obtained and will be able to move on to the implementation of further goals that he sets for himself as part of the development of his project.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is a web application?

    A web application is an interactive program that operates online without needing installation on a device. Users can access data and perform various actions such as ordering products, booking tickets, or editing content directly through their web browser.

    How do web applications differ from websites?

    Unlike static websites, web applications are designed to be interactive and allow users to engage in various activities. While websites primarily provide information, web applications enable actions like purchases, bookings, and content creation.

    What are the main components of a web application?

    Web applications typically consist of three main components: the client part (user interface), the server part (processes and logic), and the database (storage and retrieval of data). These components work together to provide a seamless user experience.

    What are the benefits of using web applications for business?

    Web applications offer several advantages, including automation of business processes, increased engagement with target audiences, enhanced security, accessibility from multiple devices, and easier maintenance compared to client-installed software.

    What is the development process for a web application?

    The development process for a web application involves several stages: gathering requirements, prototyping, designing, developing the front-end and back-end, testing, and creating documentation. Each stage is crucial to ensure the final product meets the desired functionality and user experience.

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