What is Online Advertising? Discover Types and Reasons to Use

What is Online Advertising? Discover Types and Reasons to Use

What is Online Advertising? Discover Types and Reasons to Use

What is Online Advertising? Discover Types and Reasons to Use

    Online advertising is an important way to promote your company not only among the local audience but also across the country or even the world. In this case, it is important to choose the right online advertising platforms for efficient promotion options based on your budget and business assumptions. Read our article and find out what online advertising is, what types of it are, and why you should promote your business online!

    Definition of online advertising

    Online advertising is a complex process of promoting goods or services through digital channels. It uses a variety of platforms, from social media to search engines and websites.

    A significant element here is targeting, i.e., reaching a specific group of recipients who may be interested in your offer.

    Remember that success in this area is based on understanding and analyzing data that allows you to tailor your ads to the preferences and behavior of users. Strategic phrases are also critical because they allow you to optimize your campaigns for search engines.

    Online advertising also includes retargeting, which means reaching people who have previously encountered your brand. It should be emphasized that the effectiveness of digital advertising is measurable, which allows you to constantly adjust strategies and optimize activities. In this context, it is crucial to constantly monitor trends and adapt to the changing digital environment (e.g., using Google Trends).

    TOP 4 online advertising types

    Let’s describe the main types of online advertising:

    1. Website positioning (SEO)

    This process focuses on optimizing your website for the highest possible ranking in the regular search engine results (so-called SERPs).

    An important element of SEO is content optimization in terms of key phrases that meet the needs of potential customers. Technical improvements to the website are also indispensable, including its loading speed and compatibility with mobile devices.

    Building external links, in turn, increases the authority of your website from the point of view of search engines - SEO is impossible without these measures.

    Estimated costs of SEO:

    • For a small local website - from 150 to 500 USD per month;
    • For a medium-sized company website - from 500 to 1700 USD per month;
    • For large e-commerce projects - from 1700 USD per month.

    2. Google Ads (formerly AdWords) campaigns

    These are paid advertising campaigns on the Google search engine that allow you to quickly reach potential customers. These types of ads appear in search results when users enter phrases related to your offer. The system works on the principle of PPC (Pay-Per-Click), meaning you pay for each click on your ad. In this case, focus on precise targeting, i.e. selecting the right phrases and defining the target group.

    Approximate costs of Google Ads:

    • For small local businesses - from 150 to 750 USD per month;
    • For medium-sized businesses - from 750 to 2500 USD per month;
    • For large national/international campaigns - from USD 2500 per month.

    3. Social media marketing (including paid advertising)

    A strategy that includes organic activities and paid advertising on platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.

    These advertisements permit point-by-point focusing on, and counting client socioeconomics, interfaces, and behaviors. It is critical to make an alluring substance that will normally be taken into consideration by your gathering of people. Analyzing social media information and testing distinctive promoting groups permits you to optimize your exercises and increase the adequacy of your campaigns. In expansion, it is critical to connect with clients and make a community around the brand.

    Approximate costs of social media marketing:

    • For small companies - from 120 to 500 USD per month;
    • For medium-sized companies - from 500 to 1700 USD per month;
    • For large corporate campaigns - from 1700 USD per month.

    4. Content marketing

    This sort of showcasing centers on making and conveying profitable, important substance pointed at drawing in and locking in a particular group of onlookers. The objective isn't, as it were, to cease consideration, but rather to construct a relationship that will eventually lead to a change. The substance can take numerous shapes, from web journal articles to infographics and recordings. It is important to find online advertising platforms with custom-made solutions to the requirements and interface of the gathering of people, while at the same time reflecting your brand's values and specifics. This procedure also requires steady observation of what comes about and adjusting the substance to the changing needs of beneficiaries.

    Estimated costs for content marketing:

    • For small projects - from 50 to 250 USD per month;
    • For a medium-sized campaign - from 1000 to 2500 USD per month;
    • For advanced projects with a wide range of topics - from USD 2500 per month.

    Which type of online promotion is the most effective?

    Taking into consideration the most recent measurements, we will say that the most compelling online promotion is SEO, as 93% of all individuals who begin their online experience utilize search engines (e.g. Google). In addition, SEO generates 1000% more traffic than social media. Google Ads is also a good solution - as a complement to your positioning strategy. If a particular keyword still needs to be added to the top 10, you should implement AdWords campaigns. This will help you make sure that your chosen phrase is worth the investment in the long run.

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    What types of businesses is online advertising intended for?

    Who do we target with online advertising?

    • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) - allow you to increase brand awareness and expand your reach with limited resources;
    • Startups - ideal for quick, low-risk testing of markets, products, and business ideas;
    • E-commerce stores - essential for driving traffic to store websites and increasing online sales;
    • Local companies - allows you to reach customers in a specific location and promote services in a particular community;
    • Corporations - used to maintain and strengthen market positions, as well as for large branding campaigns;
    • B2B companies - help to build relationships with other businesses and attract business customers;
    • Institutions and non-profit organizations - used to promote missions, raise awareness, and engage communities;
    • Individual creators and freelancers - allows you to promote your own services, and talents, and build a personal brand.


    SmartyAds experts will help you tailor a specific type of online advertising to your assumptions. By getting closer to profit maximization for online advertising demand-side platforms, you can rapidly and with confidence start your business's path in the cutting-edge world of modern online marketing. It doesn't matter if you own a startup or a large corporation - you should use SEO, Google Ads, content marketing, or other solutions offered. Apply for SmartyAds and gain profit with your high-level marketing upselling strategy.

    Frequently Asked Questions:

    What is online advertising?

    Online advertising is the process of promoting goods or services through digital channels. It involves using various platforms, such as social media, search engines, and websites, to reach a specific group of recipients. The effectiveness of online advertising is measurable, allowing for continuous strategy adjustments and optimizations.

    What are the main types of online advertising?

    The main types of online advertising include:

    1. Website positioning (SEO) – optimizing websites to rank higher in search engine results.
    2. Google Ads – paid advertising campaigns in search results.
    3. Social media marketing – both organic and paid promotions on platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and LinkedIn.
    4. Content marketing – creating and delivering valuable content to attract and engage a specific audience.

    How much does online advertising typically cost?

    • The cost of online advertising varies depending on the type and scale of the campaign:
    • SEO: $150 to $1,700+ per month
    • Google Ads: $150 to $2,500+ per month
    • Social media marketing: $120 to $1,700+ per month
    • Content marketing: $50 to $2,500+ per month

    Which type of online promotion is the most effective?

    SEO is considered the most effective type of online promotion, as 93% of online experiences begin with a search engine, and SEO generates 1000% more traffic than social media. Google Ads can complement your SEO strategy, especially for keywords that are not yet ranking in the top 10.

    What types of businesses benefit from online advertising?

    • Online advertising is suitable for various types of businesses, including:
    • Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
    • Startups
    • E-commerce stores
    • Local companies
    • Corporations
    • B2B companies
    • Institutions and non-profit organizations
    • Individual creators and freelancers