Ask me anything! No, seriously - ask away

I am going to burn a post today with something a little different. Instead of giving you a bunch of words to read, I'm going to instead make you an offer: You know our story. You know our lifestyle. Tell me: What else do you want to know?

As long as the question isn't dreadfully inappropriate (wink), you're free to ask me any question you like. It can be a personal question or financial question. Or, somewhere in-between. It can be a question that reveals the deepest part of my creepy soul or as weird as what my favorite breakfast cereal is (hint: I don't eat cereal, so don't ask that).
Next week, I promise to answer all of your questions. Every darn one - again, so long as they are appropriate enough as to keep my blog somewhat family friendly (aside from all the damn cussing). I also promise to answer them as truthfully as I can.
I've already published a post revealing a few things about me that you probably didn't know. That was a fun post to write and would love to write another one. But, I also want to know what you people might actually want to know. Cause, you know...I have no idea.
So, go ahead. Comment below.