Meet our voices
99 authors
Think Save Retire's authors and featured writers bring a variety of backgrounds with money and a wide spectrum of perspectives. Interested in writing for us? We're always looking to grow our community
Jessica Larson
2 postsJessica is a serial entrepreneur who wants to support her family while still spending time with them, to serve as a role model for her daughters, and to share what she’s learned with others.
Cameron Huddleston
2 postsCameron Huddleston is an award-winning financial journalist with more than 17 years of experience writing about personal finance.
Enoch Omololu
2 postsEnoch Omololu is a veterinarian by day and a personal finance blogger by night at
Jesse Cramer
1 postJesse is the founder of The Best Interest, a financial literacy company based in Rochester, NY, where he lives with his fiancée and their foster dogs.
Fiona Smith
1 postFiona Smith is the Founder of The Millenial Money Woman and holds a Master of Science degree in Personal Financial Planning. She is passionate about teaching others to take control of their money.
Kalicia Bateman
1 postKalicia Bateman is a personal finance editor specializing in mortgages. She is passionate about simplifying finance and strives to combine complex information with authenticity & humor when possible.
Angelica Leicht
1 postAngelica is a personal finance writer and editor. Her work has appeared in The Motley Fool, The Simple Dollar, Interest, Bankrate, The Spruce, Houston Press, and VeryWell.
Arthur Goldgaber
1 postI cover personal finance, industry research and corporate communications. You can find my work in Investor's Business Daily, Financial World and the Los Angeles Business Journal.
Eric Ferguson
1 postEric runs Mindful Trader, a service that publishes stock picks and teaches the strategies behind them. He spent years doing stock market research to identify historical quantitative trading edges.
Eric Brotman
1 postEric D. Brotman, CFP®, AEP®, CPWA® is Chief Executive Officer of BFG Financial Advisors, an independent firm assisting clients with wealth creation, preservation, and distribution.