Blogger Confessions #24: Millionaire Mob

Blogger Confessions #24: Millionaire Mob

Blogger Confessions #24: Millionaire Mob

Blogger Confessions #24: Millionaire Mob

    Happy Saturday and welcome to the 24th episode of the 'Blogger Confessions' interview series on the blog. Today, I'm bringing in Millionaire Mob to talk about blogging and how they've managed to keep everything straight as a personal finance blogger.

    Mob, take it away.

    Blogger Confessions with

    1: In at least 100 words, describe the target audience of your blog.

    The target audience for my blog is typically a millennial high-income earner looking for ways to build wealth through investing, saving money and side hustles. My audience will usually know the ins and outs of finance, but always want to push the bar higher to achieve true financial success.

    I created Millionaire Mob to try to develop a ‘herd mentality’ or ‘mob mentality’ approach to building wealth. I want my readers to be explorers and forward thinkers in regards to the economy, ways to invest and ways to make money. Plus, I want to create a community that loves to experience the world and realize that we only have one life to live. None of us wants to be the richest person in the graveyard. That doesn’t prove anything. I believe that travel + financial freedom = true happiness.

    2: What makes your blog different from other blogs in the PF blogosphere?

    I have a spin on certain things. I don’t hate debt, but don’t love it. I love to travel. I don’t think you need to be frugal. I’m a retire early blog, but I don’t think I will ever formally retire. Yes, I have a higher income, but I highly doubt that will be permanent.

    I also want to provide a travel component with personal finance. There’s so much to this world that we all need to see and be apart of. You can learn more from traveling than you can from reading a book. Go out and see the world.

    3: What’s the thing that you’ve struggled with the most since starting your blog?

    I’ve stuggled with promotion and monetization. I like writing and producing great content. However, I just have had trouble collaborating with others to make traffic happen. I have some strategies that work well, so I’ve just continued to focus my attention there.

    As for monetization, I quickly am realizing that you need significant volume and traffic to really make any dent or meaningful income. Monetizing your blog is important, however, because it helps you recycle it back for growth. Blogging is tough sledding. You must be committed for the long term or you shouldn’t do it at all.

    4: Do you publish your net worth on your blog? Why or why not?

    I’ve stated my net worth on my blog but haven’t shown full blown reports and details. While I think that it’s relevant and might add credibility, I don’t think it should be a factor in helping my readers. If anything, it might help me track my progress with a finer toothed comb.

    I publish updates on my dividend growth portfolio to help people follow along with my updates and track my progress. We will see if I move towards net worth updates, but I’d prefer to continue to focus my time on providing great content that will help people improve their financial future.

    5: Have you monetized your blog (ads, affiliate marketing, etc)? Why or why not?

    Yes, I’ve monetized my blog in a variety of ways. I recently released a book called “Dividend Investing Your Way to Financial Freedom.” I learned a lot from that process. It took a lot of time, but I love having a resource out there that people can use to investing smarter.

    In addition, I have ads and affiliate marketing on my site. This has helped me grow and reach a newer audience. I’m a big fan of using any income to help improve your reach. I think a lot of people bash on ads and affiliate marketing wrongly. Blogging is very hard. You spend a lot of time writing and customizing your site. Any income can help you achieve new things. Therefore, I like using ads and affiliates to help me explore new ways to help other learn more about achieving financial freedom.

    6: Would you rather be loved, hated or controversial? Explain, please!

    A little bit of both of course! ?

    If anything, I’d prefer to be loved out of them all. However, I would be doing a disservice to the community if I wasn’t sometimes hated AND controversial.

    I created Millionaire Mob to help build a community of people with a ‘mob mentality’ to investing, side hustles and personal finance in general. I want a community of people that think the same way and have a similar approach to building wealth.

    Being loved is so much better than being hated. There’s already enough hate in this world today. Why do we need more?

    7: Who would you be horrified to know read your blog?

    There really isn’t anyone that I’d be horrified if they read my blog. I feel like I’ve mainly written about things I truly believe in. I created my main categories of side hustles, investing, budgeting and travel hacking because these are things that I absolutely love. I also want to improve from these aspects of my finances over time.

    If there is someone, I usually get horrified when my wife reads my blog. She’s very good at writing and is definitely more studious. If she reads one of my posts, I will likely get a few grammar and punctuation edits. I think I should use her help more often!

    8: What’s your most favorite, least favorite and most embarrassing post on your blog?

    This is a great question. I’m going to have to dig into the well here from my blog.

    Most Favorite: My favorite post is definitely the one about living off dividends forever. I did everything right with the content and approach with this post. It includes data and calculations, opinions and a key takeaway. I summed up how to live off dividends forever in 5 simple steps. I had a number of people give me outstanding feedback from this post. It was both complex and comprehensive enough for advanced and beginner investors.

    Least Favorite: My least favorite post is my home appraisal checklist. I thought I was giving out some great information, but for some reason, I don’t know how important it is for people to go through a full checklist before the appraisal.

    I definitely think that you should be more prepared rather than not.

    However, there really isn’t much you can do to influence an appraiser besides having your house as clean as possible. Most appraisers are simply just selected by the bank.

    Most Embarrassing Post: My very first post without a doubt. I thought that my blog would instantly be a hit no matter what type of content I produced.

    I quickly found out that is definitely not the case. My first post was about my dividend growth portfolio update. Turns out this post was bleak and offered limited insight. I since have stepped up my game for updates I do in regard to my dividend income.

    9: Explain your writing process

    It usually takes a few hours. I proofread it and make my own edits. I usually have to sit on a post for a couple days because I want to ensure that I’m allowing myself varying perspectives (yes, my thoughts change daily).

    I love using awesome images and graphics, so from there it takes some tedious time for formatting and placing things in the right place. This goes back to the tough part about being a blogger. You have to do it all! You can’t post simple stuff nowadays. People want juicy and rich content. Go the extra mile to make people feel inspired.

    10: What is your favorite blog in the PF blogosphere (other than your own!)?

    Ah! There’s so many to choose from. I actually started my blog because I loved so many other blogs out there. I felt inspired to have a blog on my own that I could share my lessons learned in personal finance and investing. Here are some blogs that I love:

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    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.