Christmas Week in Photos: Lake Shastina

Christmas Week in Photos: Lake Shastina

Christmas Week in Photos: Lake Shastina

Christmas Week in Photos: Lake Shastina

    Hey all! Welcome to Christmas week. This week, instead of talking about personal finance, I'm giving you people one of my very favorite photos each day from our travels this year.

    Here is beautiful Lake Shastina in Weed, CA, under the setting sun. We parked just steps from the water, but sadly, we didn't yet have our inflatable Kayak. Penny, our rescued Boxer, liked dipping her paws into the water, but she's definitely not a natural swimmer!  :)

    Check out yesterday's photo.


    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.