The coolest blogs: Living A FI's natural writing style

The coolest blogs: Living A FI's natural writing style

The coolest blogs: Living A FI's natural writing style

The coolest blogs: Living A FI's natural writing style
    Dr Doom, the guy behind the Living A FI blog, is a natural writer. His ability to describe and distill topics down into essential and easily understood concepts is second to none, using straight-forward English and a love for emotional detail.

    When I first stumbled on his blog, I literally couldn't put it down.

    Living A FI header

    Check out the blog:

    I love Dr. Doom's natural ability to describe emotion, set the scene and put his readers inside his life. His "The Job Experience" article series reads like a mystery novel, only non-fiction. He recounts his entire life's work, starting from a low-level support guy and ending up a "project engineering"-type stooge at a fairly normal employer.

    Like Doom, I work in IT and relate very closely to his work experience. He brings the reader through "the grind" of full-time work, the monotony of it all and a couple morally-questionable situations. Every article leaves you wanting to read the follow-up.

    He worked for a large financial organization that literally drained the life out of him.

    Fair warning - his posts tend to be quite long, but they are also easy reads. He uses regular words that are easily-digestible, making this blog a large source of enjoyment covering a variety of topics. He's also not afraid to curse.

    Do yourself a favor and read his Early Retirement Bites blog post, paying special attention to the "boss" figure he constructed to help him mentally focus on satisfying some overpowering authority figure.

    Living A FI is a blog for anyone who enjoys to read about emotion. Not blind rage emotion, but deep, meaningful elements contained within all of us that govern how we approach life and make decisions.

    About The Coolest Blogs series

    This is my opportunity to highlight some of my favorite personal finance blogs on the Internet. Each post is published on the second Saturday of every month after careful analysis of maximum post exposure (kidding, I totally just made up the posting schedule for this series!). The intent is to help spread the love to other blogs in this wonderful community and to bring us together as one big screwed up happy family.


    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.