Going out of town, yet again!

Going out of town, yet again!

Going out of town, yet again!

Going out of town, yet again! I've got another blog series coming at you, a 3-parter. This one, titled 'Mastering your early retirement lifestyle', distills this whole early retirement thing down into simple terms and talks about how to achieve your permanent paradise.

Going out of town, yet again!

    Once again, I'll be away from the keyboard for several days over the next week and a half.  This week I am across the country attending an event for my company.  Everything is paid for, so this should end up being a pretty good time.  This coming weekend, my wife and I will be joining her folks in Albuquerque, NM for the massive yearly hot air balloon fiesta.

    Check our FullTimeExplorers.com web site next week for a look at what we experienced while in the beautiful state of New Mexico.  I hear that a bunch of hot air balloons will be there.

    But, do you think that I'm going to leave you with nothing to read while we are out of town?  Of course not!  I love you people way too much for that.

    Remember the 4-part Our Next Life series that I ran while my wife and I were away in New York? Well, I've got another blog series coming at you, a 3-parter.  This one, titled 'Mastering your early retirement lifestyle', distills this whole early retirement thing down into simple terms and talks about how to achieve your permanent paradise.

    The first post will run tomorrow, the next on Thursday and the final post the following Monday.  Sadly, no Friday Feast this week.


    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.