Pics from the great Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Pics from the great Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Pics from the great Rocky Mountains, Colorado

Pics from the great Rocky Mountains, Colorado
    No Friday Feast this week as my wife and I are enjoying a much-needed escape from the heat with a visit to the Grand Lake area in the Rocky Mountains. Instead of linking to beautifully-written content, how about some beautifully taken photographs?

    At least I hope they are beautiful, as I took them. Here ya go, please enjoy!

    P.S. An interview that I did for Andrew over at Family Money Plan went live this week. I may have said that there are no money obstacles anymore. Cocky? about confident?

    Panoramic of Grand Lake and Shadow Mountain Lake
    Panoramic of Grand Lake and Shadow Mountain Lake
    From our dock on a smaller lake, thunderstorms in the distance
    From our dock on a smaller lake, thunderstorms in the distance
    A view inside Rocky Mountain National Park
    A view inside Rocky Mountain National Park
    The obligatory selfie in Rocky Mountain National Park
    The obligatory selfie in Rocky Mountain National Park
    Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park
    Elk in Rocky Mountain National Park
    A view across Estes Park outside of Rocky Mountain National Park.
    A view across Estes Park outside of Rocky Mountain National Park.


    Steve Adcock

    774 posts

    Steves a 38-year-old early retiree who writes about the intersection of happiness and financial independence.