Merry Xmas, Happy Holidays and we are off to Key West

Whatever it is that you're doing this day, I wish you Merry Christmas if you celebrate, or Happy Holidays if you don't. And if you refuse to acknowledge the holidays altogether, then hell, enjoy the living daylights out of whatever you're doing today!

For my wife and I, this is our last day in Arizona before we head out to Key West, FL to spend a week with my folks. Actually, yesterday was our last full day, as we're catching a plane early today and spending the majority of the daylight hours traveling out East.
This will be the third time I've visited beautiful and warm Key West. For my wife, it'll be her first visit.
If you've never been to Key West, it's a wonderful place to visit, complete with crystal clear water, warm days and all kinds of ocean adventures. I might give stand-up paddle boarding a try, hoping I don't make myself out to look like too much of an idiot in the process. No promises.
While we're gone, I have a post lined up for next Monday about how we're starting to monitor our data usage at home through our Internet connection in anticipation of the limited cell service we'll have on the road. Believe it or not, most people use much more data than they think they do. I'll show you the process I used to figure all that out.
Then on the 31st and 1st (of 2016), I'm running our reflection pieces on 2015. As I wrote about last year, I hate resolutions, but I do enjoy reflecting on the past year, just like my wife. It gives me the opportunity to learn from my mistakes and hopefully repeat the things that went right in a very informal, nonjudgmental way!
Have a wonderful week and a happy new year. See you awesome people in the flip side!