What does Financial Independence mean to you?
Financial Independence is one of those terms that enjoys a broad following. It means different things to different people, and we all have our own special way of defining what this phrase, and especially the meaning behind it, truly means to each and every one of us.

Financial Independence is one of those terms that enjoys a broad following. It means different things to different people, and we all have our own special way of defining what this phrase, and especially the meaning behind it, truly means to each and every one of us.

For me, financial independence is simple: it means that you are not beholden to a job to provide for your livelihood. Instead, your wealth - acquired through a high level of income or aggressive savings plan, supports your lifestyle. While you may still work, you don't need to. You work because you enjoy it.
To my wife, financial independence is a choice. It refers to the ability to choose the life that we all desire and live it as the person that we all choose to be.
It is fascinating to read what financial independence means to bloggers from around the personal finance community. Below, I have compiled a growing list of bloggers with what financial independence means to them. Take a look through the list and see what you think. Heck, you might find a new blog to follow because their view of financial independence closely resembles your own!
What about you? How do you define financial independence? I am always eager to hear what others have to say. If you'd like to add your contribution to the list, please contact me and I will add what financial independence means to YOU.
Chris from Money Mozart:
Financial independence is being free of any debts and having enough money to live the way you desire and do what you want. It's not having to do something because of money.
Visit Chris' blog at moneymozart.com.
Even Steven from Even Steven Money:
Financial Independence to me means reaching a point in your finances that you have the ability to make a choice without money being the primary focus of your decision. If I want to travel more, spend extended time with family, or volunteer to help someone in need, these decisions are made without money as my primary focus. Instead I am always looking for what I enjoy the most in life. I think I have put myself in a corner with money and reaching financial independence gives me a new paint brush and new color to paint with.
Visit Even Steven's blog at evenstevenmoney.
Fervent Finance writes:
Financial independence means freedom. Freedom to pursue a dream job. Freedom to pursue passions. Freedom to spend time to with family and friends. Freedom to travel. Freedom to do nothing.
Visit FerventFinance.com.
The Mr. and Mrs. from Slowly Sipping Coffee:
Mr. SSC: Financial independence means freedom. Freedom from being tied to a 9-5 job just to make ends meet, freedom to do what you choose to do each day, and freedom to not worry about where your money is coming from.
Mrs. SSC: Financial Independence means that I no longer have to trade my time with an employer to provide me with the money I need to raise my family. When I am FI, I will be able to be a stay at home mom and pursue my passions (teaching, reading, photography, hiking) and know that I can spend the rest of my life reading books and playing games with my kids and future grandkids, without worrying whether or not I have money for the bills. I will have the freedom and time to experience life!!!
Visit their FI blog page at slowlysippingcoffee.com.
Brian from Debt Discipline:
Financial independence is a term I’ve come to learn more about over the last few years. I’ve always thought I’d work until I’m sixtyish and then retire. FI give me more hope beyond that. I think FI is generally having enough personal wealth to live without having to actively work or at least working at a job you may not particularly care for. I think in most cases once someone reaches FI they will find something to do, whether it’s a hobby, work they love, help others, etc. It’s a concept I’m really making sure my three children understand. I want them to understand all of their options as they begin their financial lives.
Visit Brian's blog at debtdiscipline.com and his FI page.
Bare Budget Guy writes:
Though the general definition of financial independence (I refuse to say findependence) implies that one has enough passive income or savings to sustain a lifestyle, I see it more as a mindset. One definition of independent is "not influenced or controlled by" something. So in a way, the more of my energy I give to monetary pursuits, the less financially independent I am. For money enthusiasts like me, every minute of not letting my thoughts, words, and actions revolve around money is a step closer to true financial independence. When I stop letting money control who I am, I find that I can more clearly see the things that are truly important to me.
Visit the blog at barebudgetguy.com.
Generation Y Finance Guy (GenYFinanceGuy) writes:
Financial Independence is the point at which your passive income exceeds your living expenses (or the point your assets could be converted to cash at a certain rate to cover your living expenses for the rest of your life). You now have the option but not the obligation to work for someone else. It's not about not working. It's about doing work that your're passionate about and that is fulfilling. But it is not just about the money. Financial Freedom is only one aspect of Financial Independence, once achieved, it also includes Time Freedom & Location Freedom. At this point you get to live life on your terms. It is now your full time job to live life by your design.
Visit the blog at genyfinanceguy.com.
Stephanie from Stephanie Patterson Photography:
For me it is 100% about freedom. Freedom from my debt, freedom from working solely for the purpose of making ends meet and freedom from all of the stress, worry, etc that money can cause. I’ll probably continue working long after reaching FI, but that’s because I enjoy work. I hope FI will give me the freedom to choose work I am passionate about without worrying about how much money it’ll make me.
Visit Stephanie's beautiful blog at spattersonphotography.com.
Our Next Life writes:
FI means no alarm clocks! No obsessive need to check in with email or phone at all hours. Any work is by choice and not stressful. Work is not necessary to cover living expenses.
Visit the blog at ournextlife.com.
The Mrs. from FrugalWoods writes:
Even though our goal of reaching financial independence and moving to a homestead in the woods by 2017 wasn’t crystallized until early 2014, Mr. Frugalwoods and I have been working towards it ever since we graduated from undergrad (8 years ago) and got married (6 years ago). We knew we wanted to live a life outside the ordinary and we wanted options. Frugality gives you options. When you don’t spend most of what you make and when you don’t limit yourself by debt, there are a lot of possibilities open. Thankfully, frugality is a way of life for us, not a struggle.
Visit the FrugalWoods blog at frugalwoods.com.
The Early Retirement Guy writes:
To me it means having the safety and security of not relying on a job just to survive. Having the freedom to take risks in your life without worrying about being starving or homeless as a result. To never having to endure a job or lifestyle you hate just to pay the bills each month.
Visit the blog at EarlyRetirementGuy.com.
What about you? How do you define financial independence? I am always eager to hear what others have to say. If you’d like to add your contribution to the list, please contact me and I will add what financial independence means to YOU.