Meet our voices

97 authors

Think Save Retire's authors and featured writers bring a variety of backgrounds with money and a wide spectrum of perspectives. Interested in writing for us? We're always looking to grow our community


Jared Hargrove

11 posts

Jared is a personal finance nerd that believes in a world where the pursuit of financial independence and avocado toast can live together peacefully.


Dakota Butler

6 posts

Hi! I'm Dakota. I'm a social media & digital marketing intern by day. By night, I coach humans online in strength training. I love all things fitness, content creating, and corgis.


Tristan Luciotti

5 posts

Tristan is a foster dad, writer, indie filmmaker, video game creator, and digital marketing wizard. He loves hiking the Oregon coast and is ready to share his financial - and life - survival tips.


Shelly Strom

4 posts

Shelly is a writer based in Washington. Since coming out of early retirement from being a volunteer wildlife refuge caretaker in her early 20's, Shelly has written for newspapers, worked in corporate


Kiah Treece

3 posts

Kiah is a lawyer and sustainability expert with a passion for personal finance, real estate investing, and everything FIRE. She lives in NC where she loves to garden, paint, and cook without a recipe.


Laura Kim

3 posts

Laura is a freelance copy and grant writer. In her mid-40s she swapped her single-with-a-career, living-in-the-city life for a married-with-three-kiddos and self-employed life in Portland, OR.


Jacqueline B. Storey

3 posts

A writer untethered. Think Save Retire's resident pen name.



3 posts

Michael blogs at Your Money Geek where he shares his experience, unique insights, and profiles inspirational FIRE folk.


Alice Stevens

2 posts

Alice Stevens is an accomplished writer in the finance and insurance space. She's known for her thoughtful research and close attention to detail.


Jessica Larson

2 posts

Jessica is a serial entrepreneur who wants to support her family while still spending time with them, to serve as a role model for her daughters, and to share what she’s learned with others.