Cleaning Business: The 7-Day Side hustle Challenge #003

Cleaning Business: The 7-Day Side hustle Challenge #003

Cleaning Business: The 7-Day Side hustle Challenge #003

What would you do with an extra $100? Every week our team curates a list of ways to earn extra cash. Why? Because the average American is living paycheck to paycheck and every little bit helps.

Cleaning Business: The 7-Day Side hustle Challenge #003

    What would you do with an extra $100? Every week our team curates a list of ways to earn extra cash. Why? Because the average American is living paycheck to paycheck and every little bit helps. This week we are provide a 7-day challenge to launch a side hustle with the potential to earn $123.87 per week or $495.48 per month.

    So, what would you do with an extra $100?

    • Accelerate credit card repayment
    • Purchase groceries and fuel your car
    • Build an emergency fund
    • Fund your weekly fun budget

    I just asked my wife what she would do with an extra $100 per week. Her answer was simple: “I would save it and maybe get my nails done more often.” Whatever the need, we are here to provide weekly tips and tricks to get it done.

    Side hustle meaning and definition

    A side hustle is anything someone does to make money on their own, outside of their main job or primary line of work.

    Where did the phrase “side hustle” come from?

    The earliest known use of “hustle” in English dates back to the 17th century. The word appears to be borrowed from the Dutch hutselen, husseln, meaning “to shake” or “to toss,” often in reference to a game in which people tossed coins into a hat and shook it around—something that might have been a side hustle unto itself.

    This is one of our favorite topics to write about on Think Save Retire and we have a wealth of free resources for people starting out on their journey, as well as seasoned side hustlers.

    Here are just a few of the articles we've written on the topic:

    Do I have time for a side hustle?

    The average American watches 3 hours and 42 minutes of TV per day. That equates to 28 hours per week, or over 1,000 hours per year. If you can cut that time in half, you have time for a side hustle that can generate extra income.

    This week we are going to walk you through the steps needed in order to open a cleaning business within 24 hours and land your first client this week.

    Business: Interior Cleaning

    Revenue Potential: Average hourly rate is $41.29/hr and the average time to clean a single family home is 3 hours. Cleaning one home per week has the potential to earn $123.87 per week or $495.48 per month.

    Time to Launch: 24 hours

    Here are the steps to getting started. Let's begin with what you DON'T need to do. You don't need a fancy website with a payment processing solution. This is where too many people get stuck. They want something that looks pretty, but you first need to test your business model with limited time, effort, and cost. Here is what you should do:

    1. Business License: Since I live in Washingon State - I applied or an LLC  at the cost was $180. This task took me 30 minutes, now Super Clean Services LLC is official. I also have the benefit of writing off all expenses during tax season (business license, marketing, fuel, cell phone, and all business related expenses)
    2. Business Insurance: You want to ensure you are covered and can offer your customers the peace of mind. Progressive quoted me a small fee of $29/month for business insurance. Not bad, i'll take it. This task took me a whole 30 minutes to complete and I am now licensed and insured.
    3. Marketing your Business: Now move over to Task Rabbit to create your account. Create your profile and complete it with your picture, business information, and services you provide. Don't forget to set your hourly charge! This task took me one hour. My profile is live and I'm ready for my first booking.
    4. Personal Marketing: Now get your message out to the masses beginning with friends and family. Take your new shiney Task Rabbit link, share it on your social media account asking friends and family for their support. Take it further by prmoting your business for free on Craigslist, Facebook Marketplace, Nextdoor, and other free platforms. This task took me 1.5 hours and now my reach to new customers are increased.
    5. Business Expenses: But wait, what if I don't have cash to start my business? The operating cost of running a cleaning business is fairly low. You could even take your personal cleaning supplies from home to get started. But in case you need extra cash. We are here to help.

    🎉 It's offical. By applying steps 1-4 above in the next 7 days, you should have an offical business and your first client. You are now on your way to earning $123.87 per week or $495.48 per month.

    That’s the magic of side hustling: you can get better at it at your own pace. You might not be a born side hustler—few people are—but if you have the time to do it, you have the time to figure it out and get better. It’s not like someone can fire you for screwing up.

    Learn more about how to become a side hustler.

    Discover what matters to you
    extra cash


    Tim Yelchaninov

    20 posts

    CEO at True Finance, Husband, and Father to three beautiful daughters.